Childhood undernutrition
This Scientific Reports Collection invites original research on childhood undernutrition, including studies on clinical outcomes, aggravating factors, or evidence-based strategies to mitigate it.
Fertility preservation in testicular cancer
This Collection seeks to gather innovative research on fertility preservation strategies in testicular cancer, aiming to address the impact of cancer treatment on reproductive health and improve the quality of life for cancer survivors. We invite submissions that explore the efficacy of fertility preservation options, multidisciplinary approaches to fertility care, and the long-term reproductive outcomes of testicular cancer survivors.
Chemical recycling and waste management
This Collection invites researchers to contribute to the field of chemical recycling and waste management, focusing on innovative technologies and sustainable practices. We encourage submissions that explore environmental impacts, resource recovery methods and the role of chemical recycling in advancing a circular economy. Through this Collection, we aim to foster collaboration and knowledge sharing, addressing the challenges of waste management and promoting sustainability in chemical processes
Immune-related adverse events
This Collection invites original research into immune-related adverse events, including preclinical studies examining the mechanisms and onset of adverse events and clinical studies examining their diagnosis and treatment.
Salivary glands and exocrine tissues
This Collection will bring together original research that increases our understanding of exocrine and salivary gland function in health and disease or explore exocrine disorder diagnosis and treatment.
Sun safety
BMC Public Health 正在征集有关太阳安全的资料库。该系列旨在收集有关防晒安全的研究,解决防晒行为、防晒霜使用和防晒安全教育的多方面问题。我们欢迎提交探讨旨在促进防晒实践和减轻皮肤癌负担的干预措施和政策的意见书,最终目标是为保护公众健康提供基于证据的策略
BMC Public Health is calling for submissions to our Collection on Sun safety. This Collection seeks to gather research on sun safety, addressing the multifaceted aspects of sun protection behaviors, sunscreen use, and sun safety education. We welcome submissions that explore interventions and policies aimed at promoting sun-safe practices and reducing the burden of skin cancer, with the ultimate goal of informing evidence-based strategies to protect public health
Integrating oral and medical health care
This Collection invites researchers to submit their work on the integration of oral and medical health care, focusing on collaborative care models, interprofessional collaboration, and the impact of oral health on systemic health. We aim to showcase innovative research that enhances our understanding of integrated care and its implications for improving patient outcomes and health care efficiency.
Brain maintenance and cognitive reserve in aging
BMC Neurology 现在欢迎提交新的合集,重点关注衰老过程中的大脑维护和认知储备。大脑维护和认知储备是两个相互关联的概念,它们提供了关于个体如何在与年龄相关的变化和神经退行性变的情况下维持认知功能的见解。
BMC Neurology is now welcoming submissions to a new Collection focused on brain maintenance and cognitive reserve in aging. Brain maintenance and cognitive reserve are two interrelated concepts that offer insights into how individuals can sustain cognitive function despite age-related changes and neurodegeneration.
Opening the way to a future based on green chemistry for sustainable and renewable energy
This Collection seeks to gather cutting-edge research on the application of green chemistry principles in the development of sustainable and renewable energy technologies. We welcome submissions that explore the environmental impact, technological innovations, policy implications, and economic potential of green chemistry solutions in the energy sector, with the aim of advancing the transition towards a more sustainable and cleaner energy landscape.
Innovations in phalloplasty and vaginoplasty
This Collection seeks to gather cutting-edge research on innovations in phalloplasty and vaginoplasty, addressing advancements in surgical techniques, patient-centered care, and interdisciplinary collaboration. We welcome researchers, clinicians, and healthcare professionals to contribute their valuable insights to this Collection, which will significantly advance the understanding and practice of phalloplasty and vaginoplasty.
Plant transposable elements in development and evolution
This Scientific Reports Collection welcomes original research highlighting the role of transposable elements in plant development and evolution, as well as their application as tools in biotechnology.
Inflammation and metastasis
This Collection invites original research exploring the relationship between inflammation and metastasis, with a focus on mechanistic studies underlying this relationship and studies identifying novel therapies targeting inflammation.
Rare Functional Materials for Environmental Catalysis
This collection in Discover Catalysis aims to provide research on rare functional materials that have been playing key roles in the development of many practical applications, including catalytic materials for air pollution control, catalytic materials for water pollution control, catalytic materials for hydrogen production, fluorescent materials, and several other applications. Rare functional materials are particularly important for achieving the goal of carbon neutrality and carbon peaking.
Lending a hand: The role of social support in the management of eating disorders
This Collection in the Journal of Eating Disorders focuses on the role of support from families (parents, partners, siblings, and chosen close others) in the management of eating disorders, in helping move into post-traumatic growth, and in developing a recovery identity.
Aging microenvironment and disease
BMC Biology 正在征集我们关于衰老微环境和疾病的合集。该合集旨在帮助我们了解衰老和衰老相关疾病过程中影响组织微环境的分子机制和细胞过程,以及开发恢复衰老微环境的新型治疗干预措施的意义。
BMC Biology is calling for submissions to our Collection on Aging microenvironment and disease. This Collection aims to help our understanding about the molecular mechanisms and cellular processes that affect the tissue microenvironment during aging and aging-related diseases, as well as the implications in the development of novel therapeutic interventions to restore the aging microenvironment.
BMC Psychology 欢迎向我们的欺凌行为合集提交意见。该合集邀请研究人员就欺凌的多方面问题做出贡献,包括欺凌的心理影响、网络欺凌的动态以及有效的干预策略。通过加深我们对欺凌行为的理解,我们可以增强受影响人群的适应力并促进心理健康。
BMC Psychology welcomes submissions to our Collection on Bullying. This Collection invites researchers to contribute their work on the multifaceted issue of bullying, encompassing its psychological impacts, the dynamics of cyberbullying, and effective intervention strategies. By advancing our understanding of bullying, we can foster resilience and promote mental well-being among affected populations.
Neurogenomics: from the bench to the clinic
Genome Medicine 正在征集关于遗传和基因组变异在神经系统疾病的预防、诊断和治疗中的解释和应用的新合集,该合集由 Daniel Geschwind 和 Jessica Rexach 博士客座编辑。
Genome Medicine is calling for submissions to a new Collection on the interpretation and application of genetic and genomic variation in the prevention, diagnosis, and treatment of neurological disorders, guest edited by Daniel Geschwind and Dr Jessica Rexach.
Ensuring equality in vaccine access: Addressing global inadequacies
BMC 全球和公共卫生部门呼吁向我们的收集提交有关确保疫苗获取平等和解决全球不足的问题。
BMC Global and Public Health is calling for submissions to our Collection on ensuring equality in vaccine access and addressing global inadequacies.
Ambulatory anesthesia
This Collection seeks to gather innovative research on ambulatory anesthesia, emphasizing its role in promoting efficient patient recovery and healthcare resource utilization. We invite submissions that explore anesthetic techniques, patient outcomes, and strategies for optimizing patient selection in the context of ambulatory surgery, with the aim of advancing safe and effective outpatient procedures.
Systems Biology methods for unraveling the complexity in developmental biology
在这个集合中,我们的目标是通过采用系统生物学和/或组织力学模型的手稿来阐明这些基本原理,以阐明和预测体内(例如胚胎)和体外(例如类器官)发育生物系统中实验观察到的过程。 )。通过这些贡献,我们的目标是阐明塑造生命的基本机制,提供新的见解并启发这个动态领域的未来研究。
In this collection, we aim to unravel these underlying principles through manuscripts that employ systems biology and/or tissue mechanics models to elucidate and predict experimentally observed processes in developing biological systems, both in vivo (e.g., embryos) and in vitro (e.g., organoids). Through these contributions, we aim to shed light on the fundamental mechanisms that shape life, offering new insights and inspiring future research in this dynamic field.